Family Day

Posted on June 14, 2020 by Spencer

Woke up late but pretty refreshed, started working through emails and reading articles that had been piling up. Crazy one about day trading gamblers creating a bubble in worthless Hertz stock, to the point where Hertz got its bankruptcy judge to authorize sale of additional shares.

Breakfast with family. More reading and email. Then off to Boxx Berry Farm to pick strawberries! It was beautiful, as always. We racked up 33 pounds of strawberries in no time.

Took sis M to Birchwood and did wind sprints again. Those things are insane!

Back just in time for a family game thing with my mom’s side of the family. After almost 30 minutes futzing with internet, audio, config for the older family members, etc., we played Our fam totally dominated the other 4 teams, winning by large margins in each round :P

After that, did a little volleyball practice with sis Iz. We grilled some middle-eastern marinated meat from TJs and made shawarma for dinner. They were quite good. Had a discussion about the ways in which online dating (and a bunch of associated societal shifts) were completely changing the game (probably, not for the better).

Watched episodes of Parasyte and The Office, wrote this log, and hit the hay.

Gratitude Journal

  1. Cool Hertz article
  2. Wind sprints (weird feeling afterwards, almost like floating)
  3. domination
  4. Tasty shawarma chicken
  5. Fun writing this log!