Free Day

Posted on September 27, 2017 by Spencer

QM lecture was cancelled today, so I slept in until noon.

Then I walked to the post office, realized I needed my passport (?!) to claim mail, got some groceries, made myself a big bowl of oatmeal, and went back to the post office.

After unwrapping my residence permit (yay!) I went to the CS building and hit up the Service deskto get my home directory set up for their workstations. I got that working, but realized Iwouldn’t be able to use the machines for my ML projects–we each only get 2GB for our home directories.

So, on Andre of the S.D.’s advice, I applied for access to a Master’s Lab computer–we’ll see about that.

Then I went to an “Zvieri” or get-together with other exchange students. Met some kool new CSfolks–Heiki from Sweden and Sabrina. Also ate lots of chocolate. At the end, hung out with Juyoung and a big group, including a dude named Aman from Eritrea whose parents had fled to Saudi Arabia before he was born. Had some interesting conversation. A number of them had heard about a scandal with an American politician, some New York governor/mayor who had been sexting a young girl. They all seemed to think that this shouldn’t affect his political standing–certainly, only the policies mattered? I was a bit surprised by this perspective.

Juyoung went to a tandem language event–oh, guess what, I have a tandem partner to practice German with! We’re gonna meet up Friday. So that’s exciting :D Walked back to Culmann, made some dinner, went to play basketball. Was tiring in my weakened state but still lots of fun, and I played really well.

Intended to do a little work when I came back, but instead got caught up in solving a math puzzle with Betty :) Then we got challenged to a game of fussball. Finally I hit the hay around 1am.