Coffee and Pilates

Posted on October 2, 2017 by Spencer

Woke up ridiculously early (6:20) headed down to the kitchen. Ruth was a few minutes behind and we made coffee with a French press. It was some of the best coffee I’d ever had. Betty finally dragged herself out of bad, on the strugglebus, but with some coffee on the roof deck she started perking up. The sun wasn’t visible yet–we were a bit early–but the sky was light and the city spread out below us was majestic. The best part were the little ribbons of wind gusting over the roof, that spoke of an exciting day to come.

At 7:05 we booked it to the CAB for a 7:15am Pilates class. At the beginning of the class the instructor asked in German whether we could understand her; I was too morning-lagged to say no, and that was all I understood for the rest of the class!

Fortunately I’d taken one pilates class with some swing dancers and I had some idea what I was doing. It was a hard class! Ruth was super psyched at the end of it, but I was still feeling the harsh effects of morning.

Took a nice hot shower and did my game theory homework–my brain kicked in and I finished an entire sheet.

Game theory lecture was interesting–we talked about the “Polynomial Local Search” complexity class and how it applied to congestion games. If your laptop can’t find the equilibrium, neither can the market; and we showed your laptop couldn’t find it, for some games.

Free Dance

Skipping to the end of the day, I went to the Freies Tanzen, put on every Monday by the Tanzquotient club. People were (partner) dancing all kinds of different styles of dance to all different kinds of music; I relearned the waltz step and learned the cha-cha-cha step and so forth. Flirted (I think) with a Bulgarian girl named Katja, a fellow new arrival to ETH. Simon and Janna came along; both were excellent dancers! I ended up leaving pretty late; came back to Culmann, did a bit of work and crashed.