Hit the Books

Posted on October 11, 2017 by Spencer


Almost sleep through my alarm and my meeting with Muriel. With great alacrity I, unshower’d and unshaven’d, rush out the back door of Culmann and meet Muriel in the UZH cafeteria. Have a fun conversation (in English, cuz symmetry) about movies and Tarantino and the culture of humorous violence–Muriel is quite a film geek :D

Linear Algebra Run Amok

Rush off to the Hönggerberg campus for a fascinating Quantum Information lecture that is so thick with linear algebra I can barely follow. Good thing I found the lecture slides! Will have to review those. Interesting though. Head back to the main campus with Martin, along the electrical engineer that I’d chatted with about convexity but lost her name (Simone) and a PhD student in the RIAI professor’s lab whose name I’d also forgotten! Face-name-mapping-blindness ftw! Got into a good conversation with the latter about the censorious Swiss culture and then about his research in probabilistic programming.

so l33t

Lunch at Culmann, then head to the thesis lab. Get my administrative privileges and start installing s–t. Get over a weird sense of programmer’s impostor’s syndrome brought on by not understanding the IT guy when he said “zulu” (the Linux command sudo) and having my l33tness questioned by same guy, with a nice walk in the sun, and get back to my normal swaggering sense of badassery as I configure a private repository and slice and dice the ML data in a Jupyter notebook.

Thence to the Culmann roof, where I do a bit of homework as the sun goes down. Make myself some dinner, (impress Daniel with my 2 hours more than him of working on the ML project :P) then go to basketball with Eric and Jerico. It’s a lot of fun :D

Back to Culmann, eat more dinner (taco meat from Germany!), goof off for a bit. Go to my room, then back down to sanity-check strange letters and bills with others to make sure I don’t need to worry about them. Write a lot of logs, which, as you’ve observed, get goofier and weirder in direct proportion to my tiredness. Then fade to sweet oblivion.