
Posted on December 5, 2017 by Spencer

Woke up at 9:30 for my class, decided to sleep instead, since I’d slept so poorly on the bus. Bad call. I was a sleepy goofball when I woke up, barely made it to meet Martin for lunch after a shower.

RandAlg was interesting. RIAI exercise section was cool–writing a short real probabilistic program.

Met with buddies from RandAlg to have a go at the homework; basically just familiarized myself with the questions as they tried to tackle the tricky last problem.

Went back to Culmann, chowed a few handfuls of cereal, said hi to Anna, put my laundry downstairs, checked the current state of my groceries, packed away some clothes and set out for the gym! Super Kondi session was draining, but good. Showered and bounced into town to consult the Apple Store about my Mac’s newly busted cable. Bad experience. I had to wait in line, and then they wanted to charge me $95, and wouldn’t offer me anything because my cable just broke after 4 years of normal use. I found a cable for $10 on Seattle Craigslist and mentally flipped off the Apple geniuses, then trudged over to Aldi’s, disheartened. I got myself a 1 CHF hot chocolate from the machine in Aldi’s, which cheered me up. Got my usual assortment of groceries plus laundry powder to replace some that was taken from the laundry room over the weekend (anything you leave out, someone else will just take, gaah, I’ve lost two frickin’ boxes of detergent). Fortunately, it was super cheap at Aldi’s. I had so much stuff for CHF 37, that my big shopping bag split; the Aldi’s lady gave me another one (unlike freaking luxury Apple, budget brands like Aldi’s know how to treat their customer). Hauled my stuff into the cold blustery wind singing Christmas carols–I barely felt the weight.

Made it back to Culmann! Mia et al. greeted me cheerfully. Tossed my laundry in with my fresh powder, then made myself a delicious curry. Watched a bit of a soccer game, hung out with some random yokels, borrowed a charging cable, then headed upstairs to work. Solved a RandAlg problem, yay! Then I wrote this log, ready for some refreshing sleep :D

Gratitude Journal

  1. Made it to the cash desk!
  2. Nice lady at Aldi’s gave me a second bag when mine broke
  3. Got to hang out with Martin and use my forint i = 0 joke
  4. Had a nice dinner at Culmann, got to watch a bit of a soccer match
  5. This water i’m drinking right now is very tasty
  6. Found out that glass I got in Budapest was a whisky glass–yay! I still have lots of bourbon from my trip to Germany for groceries.


  1. Nothing, except RandAlg homework due Friday and prepping for the RandAlg exam two Saturdays out
  2. except maybe figuring out what I’m going to make for the Christmas dinner on Friday :D :D