Logistics and Dinner w Martin

Posted on December 12, 2017 by Spencer

Quick highlights today!

Went to RIAI class, was interesting but mostly technical details, nothing too inspiring.

The rest of the morning and into the afternoon was consumed in the logistics of paying for insurance and rent. Blecch. The insurance had to be paid, since I don’t have a Swiss bank account, by filling out all the payment details on little slips of paper before paying with cash at the post office. Maybe there was a better way…

I had a great lunch, realized I forgot my backpack at the post (yikes!) got that. Went to RandAlg exercise class–1 last prep before the exam. Paid rent, got groceries; by the time I got back it was about an hour before Super Kondi and I took a quick nap (~30 min). That was awesome and I made it through Kondi with energy to spare.

After that Martin came over for dinner; we made some really good burgers alongside pasta and salad. Wow! We talked for a while and only had a little chance to analyze the RIAI slides. Then kitchen cleaning.

Oog, I’m really tired :P Night!