
Posted on January 27, 2018 by Spencer

Today I hurt my back playing basketball. It had been hurting on and off for a while. Then someone bumped me in the wrong way and I knew I was in trouble. This had happened once, two or three years ago, when I jumped and came down weird.

I limped home. I worked for a little bit. Then I took a 30 minute nap. It felt amazing, but unfortunately I tweaked things again trying to get up. After that, things were much more painful. I must have rested more, tried to sit for a bit. Eventually I went downstairs to make myself curry, which was nontrivial. I did make it, with Thai red curry spices–it was delicious. I went upstairs, laid flat in bed, and watched some of those Category Theory videos I was halfway through. Whoa, turns out there’s a written form, badass!

I was lying there, completely inert, for a couple of hours. I could barely get up and open the door for some fresh air, and it took me 15 minutes to muster the resolve to get up and turn off the lights. Fortunately Marcus gave me some balm which felt pretty good.

Got up, made myself some tea, watched some Mad Men, and hit the hay.