Typical Atypical Tuesday

Posted on January 30, 2018 by Spencer

Woke up rather late again. Worked on some QI and made myself an eggs and bacon breakfast. That was tasty.

I replied to a message of Brandon’s and we ended up skyping while he went on a 4am walk :D It sounds like I’m nearly set to live there in the spring–Trevor just has to double check with Meera and other Spencer that I can take over their walk in closet. We talked about my recent endeavors, Math 33x, our sleep schedules…

I went back to work and got into it for an hour of solid work. Then I went to take a walk. It was quite nice out. On the way back I was hit by a wave of tiredness but played out my plan of passing by Migros and getting groceries to make pizza with Muriel tomorrow. When I got back I was starving and scarfed the rest of my curry with some eggs and my last fried roti, topped everything off with a bowl of cereal. Then I went back to work. I was feeling very bla, and then…

I got an email from John Gamble saying I got the internship with Microsoft Research Quantum!! WoooooT! Only a few days after the interviews, too :) I was really excited and went back to work with more energy.

I topped off the day with some foosball and arm wrestling downstairs with Alexis and Ben. Foosball was dead even me and Alexis, arm wrestling I beat Alexis after a protracted struggle and probably would have lost long term to Ben, but held out long enough that his shoulder started hurting (he’d had Arm Day that day). I went on a run after that, which oddly enough actually helped my back (I have no idea how this works anymore) and then Skyped with Mom and Dad. That was fun, we were all celebrating the MSR internship. At the end I got to chat with Izzy for a little bit about her upcoming basketball matches :) Replied to the MSR folks. Then I watched a riveting half an hour of Mad Men involving blackmail and war backstories, very different from most of the previous episodes, and crashed.