Quantum of Solace, Part 2

Posted on February 6, 2018 by Spencer

Worked in the morning, sent some email and messages. Michele, surprisingly friendly as usual, invited me to go to the opera. Then it turned out she couldn’t go. But I wanted to see the opera–I’d looked into it, Idomeneo by Mozart, am morgen, and it looked dope. So I invited Muriel and she freaked out about the idea :D It appealed to her classy aesthetic I suppose ;)

I put in some more solid work, ate a quick lunch of curry while still reading my QI textbook #hardcore. Went back to work. Took a lovely run in the lovely sun and then took the bus to Hongg to meet David from QIT. We did a little bit of studying (we went back to classical land and reviewed classical hypothesis testing), a little bit of complaining about how tough the material was and how little intuition Renes gave for his proofs, and a little bit of David giving me lots of advice about where to travel in Italy and what pizza restaurant to eat at in Milan and how to get cheap train fares :D It was fun. I repaid him with some interesting computer science papers (he was wondering about switching to computer science for a PhD).

Went back home, ate more curry. Worked for an hour and a half. Ate even more curry, plus some toasted bread thingies with chorizo and a cucumber salad #kitchenSinkCooking. Hung out with the new people a bit.

No foosball going on, so I went back up and worked for another hour. Then I was feeling pretty done, so I went on a walk, played some chess (I could feel the fruit of my time spent analyzing puzzles on breaks), wrote this log, watched a little Mad Men, and crashed out.