Cornell Website

Posted on September 27, 2019 by Spencer

Woke up really late, cashing in on 9.5 hours of sleep since there is no Kleene algebra class today. I got up, did a little run and some squats, and set to work on my Cornell homepage. Had a delicious lunch comprised of the last of the tacos and a plate of fantastic homemade indian food (kheema matar spiced beef, lentils, and rice, finished off with homemade rice pudding and chai). Holy cats, the chai was amazing! Got pretty hopped up on the caffeine as I plowed through some of the readings Joe and I had talked about on Tuesday. Started reading a paper on hybrid automata, which are supposed to model mixed continuous and discrete time systems. Pretty complicated and general, of course, but they seem really well fleshed out theoretically. Finished up my homepage (check it out!), complete with a half-completed post about interpretation of linear programs. Went to pickup soccer! It was a beautiful evening for soccer, and I had loads of energy, thanks in part I think to the squats in the morning. Squats really are terrific for me in terms of stretching out my legs and knees. Played like a boss and forced a lot of mistakes, some of which turned into goals. It wasn’t really sound play, as Soumya pointed out to me afterwards–trying to tackle everyone who gets the ball is insane in general. But with my energy level and in this pickup, small field format, it worked pretty well! Tried once more at Gates to connect to the printers and failed, so got dinner at Jack’s Grill in Collegetown, read some Ribbonfarm and Money Stuff and No Mercy No Malice. Had a nice walk home and finished up the worksheet grading. I think I left some pretty constructive comments. Filled out some more TAing stuff, read an article on and decided to take a little walk. On the walk I got the idea to make cookies for my section tomorrow, which was kind of a crazy idea, but I did it anyway. It took a couple batches in the oven but I think I have enough for the section. While I was cooking I tried to read a bit more of the hybrid automata paper, with limited success. Also messaged a little bit with Jacob Watkins and Brandon. Wrote this blog and hit the hay!